The Cumberland & Westmorland Wrestling Association (CWWA) requires consent from a parent/guardian to
allow a young person under the age of 18 years to take part in Cumberland & Westmorland Wrestling competition
at any event. Please note: any child under the age of 15 years must be accompanied by an adult.
Please complete, sign and return this form to the staff on the table before entering your child for competition.
In accordance with our Child Protection Policy we will not permit photographs, video or other images of young
people to be taken without the consent of the parent/guardian and the child.
The CWWA will follow the guidance for the use of photographs and videos.
The CWWA will take all steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes they are intended. If you
become aware that these images are being used inappropriately you should inform the Cumberland & Westmorland
Wrestling Association . Contact
I give my permission for the child named above to take part in Cumberland and Westmorland Wrestling competition in
the following classes. N.B. Children can only enter the class relevant to their age and one class above e.g. a 10 year old may
enter under 12 yrs and under 15 yrs.
As Cumberland & Westmorland Wrestling is a close contact sport, we agree our child will not compete if they have
Covid-19. This is to protect fellow wrestlers and our officials.
I do/do not (delete where applicable) consent to Cumberland & Westmorland Wrestling Association photographing or
videoing my child (these may appear in newspaper articles, on our website and on our facebook page).
I can confirm that I have read, or been made aware of, the organisation’s photography and videoing policy.
I can confirm that I have read, or been made aware of how the organisation will use these images or videos
in the future and how these images or videos will be stored within the organisation.
In line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), I agree to the CWWA securely storing the above information.
The CWWA confirm that they will never share my details with any third party, without my prior agreement.